[discuss] Beyon IPv6...(evolution of IPv6 thread to what are we all doing here?)

Phillip Hallam-Baker hallam at gmail.com
Mon Dec 30 05:29:57 UTC 2013

On Sun, Dec 29, 2013 at 5:28 PM, nathalie coupet
<nathaliecoupet at yahoo.com>wrote:

> Joe:
> Thank you for your honest answer. Could you elaborate on this and provide
> more details about the context and circumstances which would warrant
> co-decision making capacity for all stakeholders?
> 'I think we can all agree that we believe that stakeholders should have a
> broader role than merely being provided an opportunity to provide input,
> but that does not imply the role of co-decision-maker across the board –
> that is rooted in context and circumstances. '
> Nathalie

I am a little less worried about the need to maintain multi-stakeholderism
because I don't think that is a gift that the governments have it in their
power to give or withhold. Some of the government parties do work under
that assumption of course but there is a lot of toothpaste to put back in
the tube now.

The Internet does not treat censorship as damage and route around it any
more. Today it treats censorship as an attack and has a go at annihilating
the attacker.

Water flows downhill. Governments can build dams but they can't stop the
water getting to the sea unless they keep building the dams higher and
higher. At some point they must either open the flood gates or watch their
dam become a rather dangerous sort of waterfall.

I am more interested in what the governments can do to help make
multi-stakeholderism actually work in practice. At the moment the IETF has
participation from a very limited set of stakeholders. Which is one of the
reasons deploying IPv6 is turning out to be so very difficult. The
specifications were only designed to meet the needs of the stakeholders who
turned up.

One of the subtler bugs caused by the US dominance in IETF is that the IETF
culture has a tendency to reject playing the government card when that is
the right thing to do.

Europe has a much better, much cheaper wireless service, better and cheaper
broadband and they don't have to change their credit cards three times in a
year like I have because they are still using the obsolete card number
payment system rather than chip and pin.

The reason Europe is a decade ahead of the US in technology is that the
European governments have been a lot more competent and pro-active in
managing technology. Some governments have occasionally got it wrong as
Germany did with DSL.

In most of the world the governments are very good at doing the Constantine
trick of throwing the leaders of the various companies into a room and
telling them not to come out till they have agreed on one approach.

If we had some of that type of government intervention on IPv6 it could be

Website: http://hallambaker.com/
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