[discuss] Real world Impact of multiple roots

Jorge Amodio jmamodio at gmail.com
Wed Jan 29 00:31:31 UTC 2014

> But I never convinced anyone yet, so I am quite possibly wrong; I am certainly not the expert many others are on this particular corner of tech.  I just don't see why it could not be done with the will and money to do so.  I know that despite the fact that DNS is broken in that it can't support different authorities with the same names (though it seems to have been designed with the intent of doing so) does not mean that there is no other solution to be found.

DNS is not broken, we can break it if we keep trying to overuse it for something it was not designed for.

Now, can we come out with another resource identifier system where the unique point of origin is not required ? most probably and has been and it is again being discussed, perhaps with a little bit more of momentum.


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