[discuss] The ITU weighs in...

manning bill bmanning at isi.edu
Wed Mar 19 21:19:11 UTC 2014


(text from Andrew)


The ITU's Council Working Group on International Internet Related Public Policy (CWG-Internet)
+recently agreed to conduct an open, online consultation asking all stakeholder their views on the
+role of governments in 12 specific internet-related public policy areas.

CWG-Internet had recently conducted a similar consultation amongst governments only.  Noting that
+all stakeholders should have the opportunity to weigh in on this important question In response,
+the United States and may of our friends supported an open consultation, so we are pleased to see
+this opportunity come about.

I encourage you to check out the link below and consider providing a submission.  Short answers are
+great (and perhaps more effective), so please don't feel the task is too great a burden.


Neca eos omnes.  Deus suos agnoscet.

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