[discuss] Report from the BR meeting local organizing group - Dec 2013
Seun Ojedeji
seun.ojedeji at gmail.com
Wed Dec 25 18:45:37 UTC 2013
sent from Google nexus 4
On 25 Dec 2013 17:25, "Jorge Amodio" <jmamodio at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> IPv4 -> IPv6 s not a problem to solve, it's just a job to do.
> >
> > With my SME hat on it's a problem because it means replacing just about
all my infrastructure (hardware and software), several of which are legacy
and will never be updated by their suppliers.
> That is *your* problem, not an Internet problem to be solved at the IG
layer. How you run your business is out of the scope of the IG and if you
expect a solution to *your* problem from that front you will certainly go
broke pretty fast.
++1 It's out of scope of not just IG but the internet operation as a whole;
a business not moving to v6 will definitely not affect operation of the
> > As for "Governance" issues, I'm not sure the traceability issues have
all been solved (either for users who wish to be less traceable, or law
enforcement who wish users to be more traceable). And that's just one aspect
> Privacy and anonymity go way beyond IPv6 address allocations.
I have come to the reality that so long as we are still using what we
currently know as internet, it will be very difficult (or impossible) to
have absolute privacy, we should however strive to achieve as much privacy
as possible through participating in various discussion to ensure that our
current privacy is not further infringed upon (in the name of security).
> -J
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