[discuss] we need to fix what may be broken

Michel Gauthier mg at telepresse.com
Sat Apr 19 09:33:43 UTC 2014

At 01:26 19/04/2014, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
>On 19/04/2014 10:05, Michel Gauthier wrote:
>(via JFC's server:
>Received: from ([]:49879
>         helo=GHM-SAM.dot.dj) by host.presenceweb.org with esmtpa (Exim 4.82)
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>         id 1WbHOq-0006xp-ML; Fri, 18 Apr 2014 15:36:49 -0700
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version
> > Now, I have a question about IPv6 you might be able to answer: what it
> > is the follow-up on RFC 4984?
>I am interested to know what that has to do with Internet governance.

This what I would like to be explained. When I read "Since each 
technology step roughly doubles memory, that implies that if demand 
grows faster than about (2x/1.5x) = 1.3x every 2 years, then 
technology refresh will not be able to remain on a constant cost 
curve.", I have questions about how the situation develop by someone 
like Barry who sound to be IPv6 critically correct.

>I have an equally relevant question. Are the two following French
>wikipedia entries about the same person?

You know how politicians and journalists answer poeple's questions: 
with their own questions: "would Jefsey Morfin be a Canadian MP? This 
would be an interesting insight, as it could mean he is on the Gov side?"
Also, there are more information on 
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Gauthier and 
http://telepresse.com (we have not changed the page for 16 years).

A reciprocal question; have you really requested what Stephane 
Bortzmeyer reports in http://seenthis.net/tag/person:brian%20carpenter ?
I think your position was an important for the IG. How could trust 
that, if some stakeholders are not transparents, their proposed MS-IG 
could be transparent?


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