John Curran jcurran at istaff.org
Sun Apr 27 14:40:49 UTC 2014

Marilyn - 
   I find your fourth suggestion particularly appealing, and would definitely support
   1NET maturing into a more organized, collaborative space in which we can talk 
   about  "tough topics" (but in a civil manner... :-)


Disclaimer:  My views alone.

On Apr 27, 2014, at 9:25 AM, Marilyn Cade <marilynscade at hotmail.com> wrote:

> 1NET discuss has not yet found commonality of topics that brings together a coherent focus that brings in a wide diversity of contributors. That is a fact that we all want to move past, and we want, undoubtedly, to make 1NET discuss meaningful. 
> So, my fourth proposal is that we strive to find subjects from NETmundial, establish different discussions, and strive to advance a multi stakeholder discussion that is civil, statesmanlike, and works to progress commonality where possible in various topics. 
> The section for further work, under the Roadmap might be a place to start. 
> But that will require some restraint from all: that will require civility in our posting, mutual respect, even when we disagree. 
> When the IGF was first launched, civility was often lacking in exchanges. We had an immensely influential spirit guide -- Nitan -- who coached us, mentored us, and today, at the IGF, we do disagree, often quite strongly and passionately, but we are civil in the discourse, and in the disagreements. 
> During NETmundial, a similar spirit emerged. With some defined topics that can benefit from a broad, civil discussion, respecting differences, about a broad range of topics. 
> I hope to see the influence of this spirit into 1NET. 
> All can benefit so much from thoughtful discussion, informed discussion, expression of different points of views.  But, I do have a criteria for whom I listen to, and I listen as much to CS, technical community, governments, as I listen to business: and that is fact based and civility, even in different and even passionately held views.  The benefit of 1NET is that I can listen to diverse voices, but I can't if it is only noise and hostility, and lack of substance and lack of organization of topics. That is because it comes across at static. 
> this is not a criticism of anyone. It is an appeal. 
> I made a statement during NETmundial: we can talk about tough topics, but not in a tough way.
> Recently, George Sadowsky has proposed some evolution of our discourse processes for 1NET. 
> I too want to make 1NET a trusted space to talk about tough topics, but in a civil and mutually respectful manner. And with some organization so that participants can select where/which topics most engage them. 
> If we do that, we will make 1NET a truly collaborative, and contributing to the broader discussions about IG evolution, and we will build on the spirit of NETmundial. 
> And, we will draw so many more to post and contribute to 1NET. 
> Shall we try? 

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