[discuss] NetMundial Initiative

Stephanie Perrin stephanie.perrin at mail.utoronto.ca
Wed Aug 13 16:17:38 UTC 2014

1.  Great idea to re-initiate the list.  Thanks!
2.  I know absolutely nothing but am very curious.
On 14-08-13 11:52 AM, Avri Doria wrote:
> On 13-Aug-14 09:29, Nnenna Nwakanma wrote:
>> I'm interested in the answer.
>> Shouldnt it be a "Yes"?
> Probably, and perhaps I was being silly asking.  It was just with the
> re-birth of the list, I figured to tread carefully at first.
> I understand there will be some sort of announcement at the IGF about
> it, and I have been a part of few conversations where it was discussed,
> but where few of us really knew what we were talking about because each
> of us knew so little.  These were conversations in which various people
> tried to gather the shards of information they had managed to collect on
> the behind the scenes NI organizing effort, to try and get a larger picture.
> I was hoping that:
> a. this list might be an appropriate place to gather more of those
> shards together
> b. that perhaps, those with authoritative knowledge might share it.
> c. this larger non-governmental multistakeholder assemblage could start
> vetting the idea.
> But maybe I go too far while trying to tread carefully.
> avri
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