[discuss] NetMundial Initiative

Stephen Farrell stephen.farrell at cs.tcd.ie
Thu Aug 14 01:46:29 UTC 2014

Gotta say... seems like elitist nonsense to me having looked
at the invite list and other docs. The elitist part should be
obvious. The nonsense part is due to  almost none of the list
of invitees being known for knowing about the Internet. It
seems much more an elite than an Internet-savvy list of folks
being asked to form a new cabal. That said, cabals aren't all
bad, and I've no reason to think very badly of this particular
subset of the elite and its I guess just more meaningless policy
stuff so I don't need to care very much.

That said, it seems a pity for this to be the next step after
the Brazil gig which seemed relatively open.


On 14/08/14 02:36, William Drake wrote:
> Hi
> I proposed several times to the 1NET Co Com that 1NET explore serving as a more open multistakeholder vehicle for connecting people to the NETmundial Initiative.  Several members expressed support for that, but since how the NMI will evolve remains very unclear it’s hard to know ex ante how this could work.  I made the same suggestion to Fadi in London, didn’t get much reaction.
> As I understand the basic idea, NMI will have a six month launch managed by WEF but the hope would be that this leads to something broader and more inclusive in a second phase.  Not how I would have done it, but that said I wouldn’t assume before the fact that the second phase will not come.  We have to see for starters how the conversation goes 28 August and what is possible…
> Bill
> On Aug 13, 2014, at 10:00 PM, Avri Doria <avri at ACM.ORG> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just wondering, is this a proper list for those who have been catching
>> bits and pieces of the ICANN/WEF 'NetMundial Initiaitve' to be discussed.
>> I think it might be, and have even suggested it to others, but figured I
>> better check first.
>> avri
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