[discuss] Possible approaches to solving "problem no. 1"

Michel Gauthier mg at telepresse.com
Tue Feb 18 08:46:13 UTC 2014

At 04:27 18/02/2014, John Curran wrote:
>On Feb 17, 2014, at 10:24 PM, manning bill <bmanning at isi.edu> wrote:
> > Howdy John
   Perhaps this is what is wanted?
> >
> > http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-110sres564is/pdf/BILLS-110sres564is.pdf
> >
> > Note that this went to committee, where is appears to have died.
>Bill -
>Indeed - a dead bill is definitely not a USG position; in fact, it's closer
>to an indication no clear position (at least from one of the three branches)


I suppose that until the bullet has hit you you will claim that the 
will of the guy with the gun aiming at you is not to kill you. Ask 
any policeman watching the scene if it makes any difference for him. 
Govs know the US position, US know what are the Govs positions. 
Writting it down would only definitly block the situation. Diplomacy 
dies from facts, it survives on non-written yet documents.

The May 24, 2008 project Resolution has not been voted but its 
whereas are an excellent and pertinent (uncomplete) compendium of the 
US legitimate claim. By what it says it also substantiates the non-US 
claims. The Geneva 2003 declaration, signed by all the parties, 
supersedes it addresses this issue in deciding that the whole thing 
is to be people centered on an equal footing basis among 
stakeholders. However it does not say how the "huge bounty" 
documented by the OpenStand statement is to be shared. There is no 
other reason to the US attitude at the WCIT.

The only unlocking solution I observe is the VGNIC concept as it puts 
every sovereign or would be e-sovereing entity on an MS equal footing 
basis without hurting the right of anyone. It is simple, fair and 
neat: in a people centered context people can chose their operator of 
the same real (hence unique) root data, or do it themselves; 
competitions is on convenient and value-added/extended services and 
results. This is inline with the OpenStand modern paradigm and 
corrects its non MS ultimate layer.

M G  

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