[discuss] shifts in IANA/accountability discussion: your thoughts?

Bertrand de La Chapelle bdelachapelle at gmail.com
Sat Jun 21 15:39:47 UTC 2014


Irrespective of who is giving the "mandate", if we draw a line between full
complete rebidding at regular intervals (every X years) and contract in
perpetuity, there are various options in between.

Isn't the fundamental choice here around what is the default option, a
little bit like the opt-in / opt out choice in many other issues, ie
- either the mandate dropping at regular intervals unless it is explicitly
- the mandate continuing by default unless it is cancelled because of


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On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 9:37 PM, Avri Doria <avri at acm.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 19-Jun-14 14:43, Barry Shein wrote:
> >
> > I believe that any suggestion that the IANA function should be
> > transferred to any organization other than ICANN is largely a paper
> > tiger.
> >
> What I think is critical is that it remain a contract for the function
> that can be reviewed and given to another if necessary, for some
> definition of necessary.
> For now, of course i agree it needs to stay with ICANN, but there should
> be periodic reviews and contract renewals if merited.  I think we can
> even discuss a presumption of renewal based on good performance, for
> some definition of good performance.
> What I believe is a non-starter for many, is a contract for the function
> in perpetuity.  But certainly the next 2 years at least should be ok -
> that should be enough time to get a proper review process in place post
> transition.
> avri
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