[discuss] Roadmap for globalizing IANA

Milton L Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Mon Mar 3 16:39:02 UTC 2014

Good questions, all.
Regarding 1, 2 and 4, we leave that up to the MoU process. The registries and RS operators will have to work that out. We could propose what we think is an ideal structure for DNSA, but in practical reality what matters is what the TLDs will accept, so no point in going into detail.
Regarding 3, Yes. However, the contractual terms under which DNSA must implement ICANN policies would be significant.

From: Seun Ojedeji [mailto:seun.ojedeji at gmail.com]

1. Under what law will the DNS Authority" (DNSA) be established. OR better put in which country will the not-for-profit be registered?
2. Considering the registry to 1vote model of operating the DNSA, how does that factor out for regions that seem currently underprivileged with registries?
3. From the new structure does it mean DNSA has no right to reject any change request forwarded to it (so long as it is from(or adheres to) the ICANN PDP) and also has no right to make any changes that does not originate OR meet the ICANN PDP requirement?
4. What is the internal structure of the DNSA going to look like i.e is DNSA going to ask registries to contribute expertise to manage the root maintenance OR they ask another entity to do that and provide oversight functions?
Thanks for sharing the document.
Kind Regards

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Milton L Mueller <mueller at syr.edu<mailto:mueller at syr.edu>> wrote:
Dear all:
Today IGP released an innovative proposal to resolve the 15-year controversy over the United States government's special relationship to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). http://www.internetgovernance.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ICANNreformglobalizingIANAfinal.pdf

The proposal, which involves removing root zone management functions from ICANN and creating an independent and neutral private sector consortium to take them over, will be presented at the Singapore ICANN meeting March 21, and has also been submitted to the "NETMundial" Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance in São Paulo, Brazil, April 23 and 24.

We propose four basic principles to guide the reform of the IANA functions: 1. Keep the IANA function clerical; separate it from policy; 2. Don't internationalize political oversight: end it; 3. Align incentives to ensure the accuracy and security of root zone maintenance; 4. De-link globalization of the IANA function from broader ICANN policy process reforms. Even if there are quibbles about the details of the proposal, we look forward to gaining agreement on those principles, and are willing to entertain any proposals that embody them.

Milton Mueller
Professor, Syracuse University School of Information Studies

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Seun Ojedeji,
Federal University Oye-Ekiti
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