[discuss] ISOC Survey available in French and Spanish

Constance Bommelaer bommelaer at isoc.org
Wed Feb 11 17:45:07 UTC 2015

Dear all,

We are pleased the see the very high level of responses to the survey ISOC is conducting on Internet governance.

We have translated the survey into French and Spanish, hoping this will facilitate even broader input:

  *   French:  https://internetsociety2.wufoo.com/forms/enquate-dopinion-sur-la-gouvernance-de-lainternet/
  *   Spanish:  https://internetsociety2.wufoo.com/forms/encuesta-sobre-gobernanza-de-internet/
  *   English: http://www.internetsociety.org/survey-internet-governance

The survey will remain open until 20 February. Thank you for your participation!



From: Constance Bommelaer
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 10:01 PM
To: discuss at 1net.org
Subject: RSVP - ISOC Survey - Strengthening IG in 2015

Dear Colleagues,

The Internet Society (ISOC) is conducting a survey on Internet governance<http://www.internetsociety.org/survey-internet-governance>. The objective of this survey is to primarily ask you how we can strengthen mechanisms of the Internet governance ecosystem to better address policy challenges in 2015. It is also designed to help ISOC contribute to the current discussions on the evolution of the ecosystem. Some of the issues include: preparations for WSIS+10; the future of the IGF; the appropriate role of new platforms like the NETmundial Initiative (NMI); and enabling a successful IANA stewardship transition.

Your feedback and opinions will help us to understand the collective sentiment of the Internet community and will inform ISOC's approach as it looks to play its role to address these issues. For additional background on the survey, I encourage you to read Sally Wentworth's blog post<http://www.internetsociety.org/blog/public-policy/2015/02/take-brief-survey-help-strengthen-internet-governance-2015>.

The questions should take approximately 10 minutes to complete and we would be grateful if you could find the time to respond.  The survey will be open from 2 to 20 February. A synthesis report of responses will be made available on our website shortly after the survey closes.

We look forward to your participation!

Best regards,

Constance Bommelaer

Senior Director, Global Policy Partnerships

The Internet Society


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