[discuss] CSTD report/survey on the hundreds of places Internet policy is being worked on

Carlos Raul Gutierrez crg at isoc-cr.org
Tue Nov 25 12:33:11 UTC 2014

Dear Mr. Ashton-Hart!

Thank you very much for this extensive "gap"analysis, but please keep us
posted on any list of DOMESTIC internet policy issues you may come across
as well. Global internet policy lives an interesting life between Los
Angeles and Geneva. After 10 year of UN involvement in the Internet sphere,
many orphans remain and happen to be very local indeed, as the many "GAPS"
of the document  "appears to indicate", without even speaking of access
pricing, last mile competition or lack thereof, monopolies, duopolies,
bottlenecks and private or public network investment so necessary to prodie
universal access.

Best regards

*Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez*
ISOC Costa Rica Chapter
skype carlos.raulg
+506 8335 2487
Apartado 1571-1000

2014-11-25 5:54 GMT-06:00 Nick Ashton-Hart <nashton at internet-ecosystem.org>:

> Dear all,
> I know we all get overloaded with reports to read, but I thought I’d
> highlight one that is really worth the time.
> The CSTD WGEC started the effort to map the many institutions,
> organisations and processes were policy with an Internet dimension is being
> addressed; the CSTD Secretariat has taken that effort and built upon it,
> releasing a report that will get discussed at the CSTD this Thursday.
> The report - "The mapping of international Internet public policy issues
> [Advanced Version]” is here:
> http://unctad.org/meetings/en/SessionalDocuments/CSTD_2014_Mapping_Internet_en.pdf
> The database is here:
> http://unctad.org/meetings/en/SessionalDocuments/CSTD_2014_Mapping_InternetDatabase_en.pdf
> This makes clear that there really are no ‘orphan issues’ but there is
> clearly a coordination problem; I know there are quite a few on this list
> who have seen this for a long time and as a Geneva-based policy person I’ve
> been a victim of it myself for the last 8 years ;)
> Regards, Nick
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