[discuss] What is ITCG? See below ....

Michel Gauthier mg at telepresse.com
Sun Dec 22 12:46:25 UTC 2013

Hello, everyone!
I join this list in order to know and report on this 1net, ITCG, I*coalition.
I will therefore have a few questions.

>The Internet Technical Coordination Group is the mechanism for the 
>Internet technical community to decide on representation of its 
>community in external groups and events  related to Internet governance.

Who are the members of the internet technical community? Where are 
their listed/registered?
Is there an ITCG.org site or some site?

>The text below can also be found on pages 4-6 of the recent Internet 
>technical community's call for nominations to the 1net Steering 
>Committee and two Brazil meeting committees.

Who is the author of this call? You? A group of  individual?
I see this is a "working document?"  Who has approved the final 
version and what you have broadcast?

>Principles for Technical Representation in the Formulation
>and Implementation of Effective Internet Governance
>5 October 2013
>Since the World Summit on the Information Society, discussions on 
>Internet Governance have involved different stakeholder communities 
>including the Internet technical community.  For this purpose, 
>nomination processes are periodically used for a limited number of 
>occasions, such as recommending representatives of the technical 
>community to the UN IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG).
>This set of principles has been formulated by a group of its 
>participants who are actively involved in Internet governance 
>issues. Acknowledging that the technical community is united by 
>recognized individual expertise as much as by institutions, this 
>group is not formalized in any way.

Who are those participants? Are they the "I*CEO" of 10 organizations 
What are thre relations with the OpenStand (where it seems the only 
difference is that technical IEEE is replaced by politico/commercial ICANN?

>These principles apply to the nomination processes above-mentioned 
>(e.g. MAG). They do not intend to represent a consensus of views by 
>the entire community.  Finally, the principles will continue to 
>evolve over time to reflect the community's evolving understanding 
>of the issues addressed.

Are there other nomination processes in competition?

>1. Preamble
>The Internet Technical Collaboration Group (ITCG) brings together 
>the technical and policy expertise of individuals and organizations 
>involved in the technical evolution and administration of specific 
>Internet resources in a decentralized network approach to policy 
>formulation for the Internet. This group includes people engaged in 
>the technical organizations involved in developing, deploying, and 
>operating aspects of the Internet architecture including operators, 
>technology developers, and Internet ecosystem actors (e.g. IETF, 
>ICANN, ISOC, RIRs, ccTLDs, IXPs, etc.), as well as persons 
>contributing in their individual capacity through technical 
>research, the development of Internet standards, and other relevant 
>technical involvement, experience, and contributions, or who 
>contribute actively in support of those efforts.

This group therefore only claim technical expertise in internet 
technology. Where the poitical expertise comes from?

>This group is dedicated to ensuring effective and appropriate 
>technical representation in the formulation and implementation of 
>multi-stakeholder Internet governance.

Through which institution ("is dedicated" rather than "is committed", 
in the ICANN affirmation of commitment)

>Its technical contributors cooperate and coordinate to facilitate 
>constructive contributions to Internet governance fora such as 
>national and international Internet governance meetings.

Under which circumtances. How?

>2. Principles for participation and nomination processes
>The ITCG coordinates its participation and nomination processes 
>according to a set of self-determined principles:
>-       Independence: We recognize that each stakeholder group is 
>different, and respect the right of each stakeholder group to define 
>its own processes.  This core group, representing the community in 
>dealing with issues of Internet governance, does not represent any 
>of its participants individually, nor is it exclusive of the 
>formation of other core groups.

Therefore an International Technical Coordination Group would be 
acceptable to the ITCG? Or a World Digital Organization?

>-       Community: The participating organizations and individuals 
>come from a wide range of entities from around the world. While each 
>has its own mission and its own role to play, participants are 
>motivated by a common vision of an open and accessible Internet that 
>brings shared economic and social benefits to all the world's 
>inhabitants, now and in the future.

Do you support Globalization or Multilingualisation?

>-        Transparency: The group engages with others transparently 
>in Internet Governance discussions.

So, I understand Brian Carpenter does not belong to the ITCG?

>-       Participation: Recognizing the importance of effective 
>participation of all relevant stakeholders, and from all regions of 
>the world, the group engages broadly to facilitate multistakeholder 
>participation opportunities in Internet governance-related 
>discussions. In addition, its participants encourage the inclusion 
>of experts who could represent the technical community effectively 
>in Internet governance discussions.

What interests corporate users are decisions. What is the decision 
process you support on top of the MS participation process?

>-       Technical relevance and excellence: The contribution of our 
>group and its representatives to specific Internet governance 
>discussions will only be relevant to the extent that it rests firmly 
>upon our collective technical knowledge and experience. We adhere 
>rigorously to Internet engineering and management principles based 
>upon common shared experience and rough consensus.

The NSA experience shows that this technological consensus has failed 
the security/robustness test. Industries/corporations tend to feel 
that it also has failed the trade test. It seems that the "protyping" 
period is ended, and OpenStand opens a new area where economic 
demands lead the technological engineering and management principles. 
Do the demand not call for innovative engineering and disruptive experiences ?

>-       Collaboration: Acknowledging the importance of 
>multistakeholder processes in Internet-related governance and policy 
>discussions, participants of the group and their representatives 
>commit to working with governments, national and international 
>organizations, and all sectors of society to pursue their objectives 
>in a collaborative and inclusive manner, while advancing a common 
>goal of enhancing and exploiting the benefits of the Internet for everyone.

Does that commitment extends to work with lead and end users. What is 
the ITCG relational scheme with Small and medium enterprises and Sohos?

>3. Coordination
>The Internet Society (ISOC) facilitates the coordination of the ITCG 
>and its nomination processes of spokespeople to specific Internet 
>governance discussions. In doing so, ISOC organizes periodic 
>conference calls, manages mailing lists and will use other methods 
>of communication and interaction such as websites to support the 
>activities of the group.

ITCG is therefore an ISOC spinn-off?
- how does it relate with IAB, IETF, IRTF? Is it to be their political/PR arm?
- how their positions to be corelated with the positions of their sponsors?

>Participation in this group and nomination for representation roles 
>are open to organizations and individuals with demonstrated 
>background, experience and involvement as described in Section 1 
>that commit to supporting the principles above.

The question floating around if I am correct is "what is the 
internet" you refer to.
Which http://iucg.org/wiki/What_is_the_INTERNET%3F definition flavor 
do you favor? Or have you your own?

>Requests to participate in the group will be assessed by the members 
>of the group and agreed to on the basis of rough consensus.

This is therefore a coopted team?

>  Participation in this group need not preclude participation 
> through other avenues.

This raises the question of your expectations IRT the Sao Paulo 
meeting; your possible participation into the ITU process; etc.

What is you poition regarding the participation of Telcos to the 
SaoPaulo accepted/promoted by ICANN?
I certainly thank you for your responses to these questions raised by 
our partners.

Best regards
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