[discuss] Report from the BR meeting local organizing group - Dec 2013

JFC Morfin jefsey at jefsey.com
Tue Dec 31 14:26:05 UTC 2013

At 14:32 31/12/2013, John Curran wrote:
>I'm not certain I know what an "advocacy platform" is, but I am 
>hoping in 2014 that 1net will move beyond
>dialogue into actual collaboration towards solutions on some of the 
>various Internet issues that have been
>discussed.  (I don't think we need much more than some basic 
>processes for issue selection and consensus
>assessment, and there's already running code elsewhere that may be 
>leveraged for those types of tasks.)
>Thanks! (and Happy New Year to all)

Hi! John,

I wish an Happy New Year to all. I will paraphrase Bob Kahn here: no 
matter what you do, any group in the world (what RFC 6852 calls a 
"global community") has now the ability to set its own rules 
internally. It's not a question of technical issues, It's just with 
us. That same RFC6852 has acknowldged that the economies that may 
result from these rules will guide the technology development. This 
definitly spells out how the political/technological/societal/general 
Internet (and whole digital) governance is to work and extend: 
through MS dialog, group coalitions, individual decisions.

We will see if Sao Paulo turrns out being a one group coalition 
meeting or a multi-group (possibly conflicting) gathering. In both 
cases it will have been an interesting and friendly (networking) experience.

Best to you and familly.

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