[discuss] DNSA engaged work [was Why oversight?]
JFC Morfin
jefsey at jefsey.com
Wed Apr 2 19:39:13 UTC 2014
At 16:32 02/04/2014, Alejandro Pisanty wrote:
>What specifically have you tried, say in the IETF or in an ICANN
>constituency, that hasn't worked?
>The demand for legitimacy cuts two ways. The legitimacy of claims
>like yours can also be substantiated in such a way that it
>contributes to focus the discussion on its subject instead of
>leading it into further layers of abstraction.
Absolutely true.
This is why the IETF has accepted to create the IUCG for the IUsers,
internet informed users, after they fundamentally enhanced the
general perception of the internet technology (even if this is not
yet fully swallowed and digested by the community), showing and
making it documented (RFC 4646, RFC 5895) that IUsers' diversity (in
that case multilinguistic) was supported by subsidiarity at the
fringe (as per RFC 1958).
The IUCG adds an IUse touch to the IETF: "We reject kings, presidents
and voting. We believe in rough consensus and running code" in adding
"and leaving mode", i.e. not only working seamlessly but also being
integrated in the people's daily internet use.
What is interesting is the rejection of the resulting VGN
generalization as a fundamental element of the internet by this /1net
list and the confusion created by the IANA transition, the IANxfer
lists, etc. As several pointed it out, this leads this debate to stay
in unreality.
This is why we will now stop these endless discussions going to
nowhere and focus on the real transition work.
1. the top zone files for each class (HomeRoot project).
2. the extension of the IANA to the technological diversity
(SuperIANA project)
3. the exploration of IUser VGN friendly addressing (Happy-IP project)
4. the multitechnology digital namespaces aggregation documentation
In order to proceed with method and order, we will concentrate on
*work* and not discussion on
following an open polycratic approach consistent with the IETF
standardization process, but not subject to the IETF Trust and to the
US laws. Should someone attempt to censor the DNSA work it is placed
under the WSIS enhanced cooperation spirit and international cyber
law (cf. Tallinn manual). The DNSA disclaimer is adapted from Wikipedia's.
I thank all of those who want to switch to the real world and
contribute to the replacement of the NTIA by us, the contributing
multitude of the people.
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