[discuss] VGN dynamic coalition and enhanced cooperation

FSP4NET alliance at fsp4.net
Sat Apr 19 16:56:30 UTC 2014

The attitude of several of the participants in the ICANN governance 
of the Sao Paulo/"NTIAtransition" process mailing lists in regards to 
our stakeholder's needs and against the members of the Multitude we 
are has demonstrated the practical inability of this process to adapt 
to the reality of the 2014 network use and of what should be an Open 
Multi-Stakeholder process and cooperation.

This calls for some additional structural adaptation from people 
characterized by their self-determination in front of the ICANN 
rigidity in order to see the diversity of needs of their architecture 
of internet use securely addressed and protected.

We have, therefore, resolved:

1. to terminate our individual participation in the "/1NET" and 
"IANAtransition" processes.

2. to convene a co-opted dynamic coalition for a fail-secure plan for 
virtual global networks by the name and collective signature of 
"FSP4NET" and of "NETORSEC" in the French language.

3. to assign to this dynamic coalition the management of an enhanced 
coalition for a development executed in cooperation between the 
Libre, institutional, and competitive sector (DECLIC, 
http://dnsa.org/index.php/DECLIC) of the VGN fail-secure "HomeRoot", 
"SuperIANA", "Happy-IP", etc.  works, documentation, development, and 
experimentation projects.

4. to collectively dialogue on the /1NET, IANAtransition, and other 
mailing lists and with regalian, private, and civil authorities, 
groups, and individuals as the FSP4NET Multi-Stakeholder Group under 
the common authoritative signature FSP4NET at alliance at fsp4.net. The 
mails received at this address will be forwarded to the fsp4 at fsp4.net 
dynamic coalition internal mailing list to be addressed after having 
been collectively discussed.

5. to give telepresse.com an observatory status on this mailing list.

Secretariat will be assumed by Intlnet.

In so doing, FSP4NET/NETORSEC experiments an MS governance model that 
it intends to refine and that it wants to be polycratic, that is, 
gathering free members of the Multitude, i.e. persons and initiatives 
retaining their entire self-determination vis-à-vis any non-legally 
binding governance rule, for them to concert, then authoritatively 
and individually decide, and adjust to the possibly resulting 
emergence. This results in the FSP4NET coalition and signature 
expressing multi-author dynamic positions toward an IG polylogue that 
targets consensus progressive discoveries, rather than multiple 
dialogues multilaterally seeking bilateral agreements. This reflects 
that even a rough consensus is still more than the multilateral sum 
of its underlying bilateral agreements.

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