[discuss] Fwd: Re: registration and updates for Ungovernance Forum

willi uebelherr willi.uebelherr at gmail.com
Sat Aug 23 17:49:47 UTC 2014

My email to the IUG-meeting in Istanbul. Maybe, there was to many 
receiving address in this mail.

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: Re: registration and updates for Ungovernance Forum
Datum: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 12:46:15 -0500
Von: willi uebelherr <willi.uebelherr at gmail.com>
An: IUG Alternatif Bilişim <bilgi at alternatifbilisim.org>, IUG Ahmet 
Sabancı <ahmet at ahmetasabanci.com>, IUG Ali Rıza Keleş 
<arkeles at alternatifbilisim.org>, IUG Etkinlik Kayıt 
<kayit at alternatifbilisim.org>
Kopie (CC): Quiliro Ordóñez Baca <quiliro at congresolibre.org>, Diego 
Saravia <dsa at unsa.edu.ar>, Fabio Barone <holon.earth at gmail.com>, Franz 
Nahrada <f.nahrada at reflex.at>, jakob rigi <RigiJ at ceu.hu>, 1net discuss 
<discuss at 1net.org>

Dear friends in Istanbul,

it is impossible for me to come to Istanbul. But i support your
initiative against "Internet Governance".

In my proposal i formulate the technical principles for a Internet
without Governance. InterNet, the Inter-connection of local Net-works.
With the global part of the IP address, derived from the geografical
position of the local network, we don't need any Governance. And with
the local self definition and organisation of our communication system
we don't need this parasitic institutions from the state, private
corporation and any UN/WEF institutions.

I ask you: Can you discuss on your meeting this technical step for a
free Internet? I am sure, in your environment you find people, they
understand this technical principles. It is not difficult to understand.
It is only difficult to break the international occupation of our free
global communication system.

many greetings, willi
Popayan, Colombia

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: registration and updates for Ungovernance Forum
Datum: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 10:24:10 +0300
Von: Etkinlik Kayıt <kayit at alternatifbilisim.org>
Organisation: Alternatif Bilişim
An: Willi Uebelherr <willi.uebelherr at gmail.com>

Please scroll down for English

Sayın Willi Uebelherr,

Etkinliğimize gösterdiğiniz ilgi için teşekkür ederiz. Kaydınızın
başarıyla alındığını bildirmek isteriz.

Etkinliğimiz ile ilgili güncel haberler:

* İnternet sitemiz yenilendi. Taslak programımız yayınlandı ve web
sitemizde erişilebilir durumda.

* Afişimizi indirip dolaşıma sokabilirsiniz:

* Hashtagimizi karmaşalardan kurtarmak için #ungovForum şeklinde

* Unconference bölümümüz katkılarınızı bekliyor. Özellikle Avrupa ve
Kuzey Amerika dışındaki bölgelerden aktivistlerin yapacağı öneriler
ilgimizi çekiyor.

* Çeviri ve basılı materyal gibi giderlerimiz için bir Indiegogo
kampanyası başlattık. Kampanyamıza destek olmayı düşünebilirsiniz:


Kayıt işlemleri dışındaki sorularınız için lütfen
bilgi at alternatifbilisim.org adresine eposta gönderin.


Hi Willi Uebelherr,

Thank you so much for your interest in the Ungovernance Forum. We kindly
inform you that
your registration was completed successfully.

Recent news of Ungovernance Forum:

* We revamped our website: our event statement and the first draft of
the program is now accessible at https://iuf.alternatifbilisim.org/

* Our poster is out, please share it:

* To prevent conflicts we changed hashtag into #ungovForum. Please use
this one.

* We encourage you to submit proposals to the Unconference prior to your
arrival. Given the proposals submitted so far, we especially encourage
proposals from outside of Europe and North America and from independent

* We launched a funding campaign on Indiegogo to cover the costs of
translators, travel and printed materials. Please consider donating to
our campaign:


Please do not reply this message. If you have any question please send
to bilgi at alternatifbilisim.org


Alternatif Bilişim Derneği
Alternative Informatics Association


+90 216 418 0 417

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