[discuss] rootservers

Patrik Fältström paf at frobbit.se
Mon Feb 24 17:02:28 UTC 2014

On 2014-02-24 16:36, Carlos A. Afonso wrote:
> I agree with Steve, but the list also shows that out of 250 ccTLDs 149
> do not have any server in their territories - so they did not even get
> to the beginning of the discussion :)

As people have said, that is not the correct conclusion. The root
servers, and other similar services, should be deployed according to
network topology. Sometimes the network topology differ from country

Let me take an example with some countries in South America.

In many countries there where multiple ISPs that did not exchange
traffic with each other within the country itself. All of the ISPs had
their own back-haul to Miami in the US.

If a root server would have been located within that country, it would
have served only one of the ISPs and their customer, and not the others.

Because of this, we at Netnod deployed i-root at the ccTLDs we run DNS
for in Miami at the neutral IX there, as the positive effect was better
than if deployed locally.

Now, as much have changed in latin america, thanks to for example what
LACNIC and LACTLD is doing, we do see local IX:es and we see local
traffic exchanges. And suddenly it makes sense to deploy root servers
(and other services) also locally.

And this is why we at Netnod together with LACNIC and others are working
hard on getting a workable plan for deployment of both IX:es and other
services, as local deployment now makes sense.

So, just looking at country boundaries does not give a correct picture
of the situation.

   Patrik Fältström
   Head of Research and Development

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