[discuss] Patriot Act & Routing + TPIG question

Shatan, Gregory S. GShatan at ReedSmith.com
Tue Jan 7 01:21:34 UTC 2014

I'm no fan of the Patriot Act, but I don't believe it states anything like this.  Can you provide some concrete, specific citations, examples and discussion of this alleged power in the Patriot Act and in practice?  As stated, the scenario you describe does not sound correct.   Also, I'm not familiar with the word "intrade" and an Internet search reveals nothing on point.  Can you provide the correct word or concept you are trying to express?  And what is the USCC?  I am not familiar with that either.  (US Chamber of Commerce?  Seems unlikely.)  And TPIG?

While the Snowden leaks have raised many significant concerns, they have also spawned some rather fantastical claims that are essentially "spy fiction."  I'd like some more meat on the bone here, so we don't go off chasing ghosts.

Greg Shatan
(As always, my posts/opinions are my own)

-----Original Message-----
From: discuss-bounces at 1net.org [mailto:discuss-bounces at 1net.org] On Behalf Of Michel Gauthier
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 6:29 PM
To: discuss at 1net.org
Subject: [discuss] Patriot Act & Routing + TPIG question

Since internet users are not represented, here are two questions I have been asked to ask:

1. If an e-mail transits through the USA, it seems that Patriot Act states that an American Juge can summon the author and ask the CIA to "intrade" him/her to that end.  Since we know that the USCC/NSA has the capacity to read transiting e-mails. could the IETF

- either devise a solution for the users to be sure that tjeir datagrams will not go across the US or any other country which might have similar laws,

- or - if this is not possible - to add to the packet a kind of "legal embargo" making it illegal to use the content of the datagram against its author.

2. through which channel such user needs should be best introduced to be seriously considered and effectively addressed by the technical and political Internet Governance?


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