[discuss] [bestbits] Fwd: Heads up on Brazil meeting preparation

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Thu Jan 9 15:21:11 UTC 2014

On Jan 9, 2014, at 7:04 AM, Jorge Amodio <jmamodio at gmail.com> wrote:

> Well whatever you please to call this cabal, you need to get our act together and the message straight, for some reason 1net is involved in helping with the coordination of the meeting in Brazil.
> Do we care much about it now ? Me not, others seem to still have some reservations about why they have to go through 1net (whatever this abstract entity is or will be) to secure their representation and have their voices heard.

If they have to go through 1net, that's the result of a decision of those
convening the meeting.

> BTW, who is the 1net coordinating committee ?

I would ask Adiel for an update... I've only seen what's on this list.


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