[discuss] shifts in IANA/accountability discussion: your thoughts?

Seun Ojedeji seun.ojedeji at gmail.com
Fri Jun 20 05:10:54 UTC 2014

Hello Willi
On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 1:17 AM, willi uebelherr <willi.uebelherr at gmail.com>

> Am 06/19/2014 05:16 p.m., schrieb Seun Ojedeji:
>  The overall point is that everything man made has cost associated to it
>> one
>> way or the other; it is either paid or paid for.
>> So when someone says "internet should be free", I can only hope that he is
>> saying "internet cost should be paid FOR by someone else". While also
>> indicating the specific person to pay so we go pursuing him/her.
> For our communication system it is similar to all others areas, in that we
> are activ. Like watersystems, electrical and thermal energy, seeds,
> transport systems and his basics, agriculture and landscape development,
> material technology and so on.

Generally i will say all the examples you listed above are made "free" to
some communities by government of those communities paying heaviliy for
them. Now cost does not necessrily mean money, it could mean reducing their
sovereignty(regulation rules and service licences) to encourage service
provider to trive at a reduced cost.

>From all indication you are saying government should also include free
access to Internet in their basic economy amenities provision. Thats fine
so long as it will not make them shut it down at will, but i hope you
understand that someone is definitely paying.


*Seun Ojedeji,Federal University Oye-Ekitiweb:      http://www.fuoye.edu.ng
<http://www.fuoye.edu.ng> Mobile: +2348035233535**alt email:
<http://goog_1872880453>seun.ojedeji at fuoye.edu.ng
<seun.ojedeji at fuoye.edu.ng>*

The key to understanding is humility - my view !
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