[discuss] NETmundial and CSTD mtg

Harry Halpin hhalpin at w3.org
Sun May 18 09:24:11 UTC 2014

On 05/18/2014 08:44 AM, Norbert Bollow wrote:
> Having followed this process as closely as possible as a remote
> participant (including via very unofficial channel involving copies of
> intermediary versions of the draft outcome document) I agree with this
> important observation by Avri.
> That is exactly what happened, and if we close our eyes to this
> reality, we are just fooling ourselves.

Obviously there is no perfect process. However, let's face the facts:
One set of meetings (NetMundial, as well as various multi-stakeholder
internet governance bodies) are open to the public and anyone can get
involved. The other (CSTD) is done behind closed doors and only
nation-level "representatives" can participate. In an era in which
national governments have for the most part lost the legitimacy from
their populations, I'd take multi-stakeholder processes.

There is still room for getting more ordinary people involved in
multi-stakeholder processes, but at least that is in theory possible in
a multi-stakeholder process. That will require real organizational work.
That being said, I'd rather focus on that than this mailing list, so
signing off for now.

> Greetings,
> Norbert
> Avri Doria <avri at acm.org> wrote:
>> But I argue that at the end of the last day,
>> in the last discussions,
>> in the bargaining over the final wording:
>> some footing was more equal than others.
> [..]
>>     At 17:07 17/05/2014, Avri Doria wrote:  
>>     >My take:
>>     >http://avri.doria.org/post/85948899480/netmundial-was-an-act-of-enhanced-cooperation-cstd
>>     >was not  
>>     "Some of us, myself included, are dismayed at the fact that some
>>     of the corporations used their wealth based power to sway the
>>     outcome document at the very end of the discussion, but that
>>     happens in the multilateral world as well, just less visibly and
>>     without any chance for other stakeholders to do anything to
>>     counter it."
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